But how can you tell what your face is like? It's simple. First, equi


Like your clothes, haircuts aren’t one-size-fits-all. But unlike your clothes, you can’t take a crap haircut off after a day of fielding abuse from your colleagues.

Which is why—before going under the barber’s scissors—it’s worth knowing which styles best suit your face shape. After all, an extra inch here or a smattering of facial hair there can make all the difference.

What Face Shape Am I?



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But how can you tell what your face is like? It's simple. First, equip with a flexible tape measure. After that, take the following measurements, recording each one as you go.

1. forehead: Measure your face from the top of one eyebrow to the top of the opposite top.

2. Cheekbones: Measure all the bones of your cheeks, starting and ending at the pointest point below the outer corner of each eye.

Best is that you choose mens hairstyles

3. Jawline: Measure from the tip of your chin to the bottom of your ear as your jaw points upwards. Multiply that number in pairs to get your jawline rating.

4.Face Length: Measure from the center of your hairline to the end of your mustache.

Once you have taken these measurements, note which one of the four most important, and compare this with the seven major profiles to find out where your face falls.


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